Saturday, March 12, 2011

Happy one month, and a day to us!

So right by where Shane & I live is the corner of Northgate and MacArther. Now at this corner is a quite handy Tom thumb. We go there pretty often on the account that we haven't really established a stocked pantry. Anyways, on one of these fine evenings we were there making a quick run and, for those of you who don't know- tom thumb actually has some really pretty flowers so I always look and wish because they are actually relatively expensive and lets faces it we're newlyweds. weekly fresh flowers isn't really in the cards..  so anyways, like I was saying we were making our quick run through and I happened to see a vase of red roses and as we passed them I commented on how pretty they were. This is not a rare occurrence, Shane is a very lucky man because legit... every where we go I probably comment on about 2 or 3 things that are cute, or pretty, or that I want/"need" etc. you get the idea. So shane pretty much hit the gold mind because he should never be one of those men on christmas eve searching through the mall aimlessly for something to buy for his wife- because I so graciously provide him with many ideas daily! :).  Anyways, back to tom thumb... So any time now that we make our little runs, when they circulate the flowers back around and this particular vase with red roses in it is there he mentions "Hey, there's your flowers".

So, Yesterday was our very first married "versary" of any kind and being the sweet husband he is, he surprised me.
As I'm sitting there on the computer looking in google for " what to do for your first month wedding anniversary" at about 5 30 on, yes, the day of  this "monumental" day because I'm a horrible wife and procrastinated,  Shane comes in and kisses me on the head, with freshly brushed teeth and a sprits of delicious cologne, and says

"k, I'll see you later... be expecting a phone call!"
"Not again?!" - this is what he did to me on our engagement night, I was worried haha.

The phone call came and he directed me to Victoria park, one of our first dating memories, into what looked like a ditch. (just fyi, platform heals and walking downward on very large hills does not mix) but really it was this amazing candle lit picnic with our favorite asian take out, pillows from our couch to sit on (how did I not notice one of our couch cushions was missing is beyond me) and tom thumb roses..:). and the night wasn't complete with out slow dancing to our favorite giffin house song spontaneously coming on pandora from my phone. I'd say it was a pretty successful 1st month celebration. I could handle this on a monthly basis :)

^^ see aren't they pretty :)

Thank you Shane for a beautiful first month. I have enjoyed learning with you about what we want to, and what we can become together. I enjoy our talks, our cozy nights, and our nights that we fill with laughter! You are my everything. I love you! 

The official Mr & Mrs. Countryman of one month

And now I'm going to have asian left overs. I. AM. STOKED!


  1. Your flowers are sooo pretty!! Happy One Month!!

  2. I am just so excited for y'all! And those flowers were amazingly gorgeous!
